The Process
Step 1: Choosing our dataset from
First, we began looking for our dataset in Kaggle. We wanted to explore datasets that involved maps, so we decided that analyzing AirBNB sites in Milan would be a great opportunity to create an engaging visual layout. We picked 10 locations and sorted them out by neighborhoods, price per night, room type, and availability throughout the year.
Step 2: Placing our data on the map
From there, we placed a dataset plot to its corresponding neighborhood and determined the scaling based on the availability. This can be an incentive for potential customers to avoid a certain neighborhood to find a deal or encourage them to plan their trip ahead of time.
Step 3: Creating the poster
For the poster, we decided to go along with the current Airbnb branding. Each plot is a location that is categorized by popularity through a plot scale. The bigger the plot is, the more availability it has. This is designed to show different trends around the cities. For example, a location near large public transit stops might be more popular amongst tourists versus a luxury spot.
Step 5: Adding the key and location details
We took advantage of the space at the bottom of the poster to give a detailed breakdown of the locations listed on the map for potential Airbnb customers. Included is also the key to giving more context to the channels used in the design. For each location, we went through each Airbnb, found them on the website, screenshotted the actual pictures of the inside of the Airbnbs, and created them into plot points with a white stroke around the picture. We decided to go with a circle shape for spatial reasons and readability.
Packaging/Stationary Process
For this project, we chose to do three advertisements for Airbnb. We wanted this map to be in public urban locations around the world like transit stops. We created three maps to highlight some popular travel destinations. From Milan to Buenos Aires, to London. Our main poster is the Milan one since the data is directly taken from Kaggle.
This map was designed to make local residents and visitors take a second look at the ad to see what neighborhoods are popular in their city! We wanted this poster to be used in travel or transportation areas like subways or bus stations to let travelers or tourists know where they can stay in that specific city.