Onyx Education
Onyx Education is a self-paced online digital learning experience. Through this client, I was their freelance graphic designer who created digital print advertisements for platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, etc, made iconography for Onyx's interface, redesigned old graphics, and helped design some parts of the Onyx Education E-Book.
Year: January 2021 - July 2021 | Role: Graphic Designer | Category: Digital, Print, and Iconography
Digital (Instagram) Advertisements
This client assigned me to create over 180 Instagram Posts/Advertisements for the Onyx Instagram pages. These posts mainly informed users of what Onyx Education has to offer and how users can get their own online education. I had to adhere to the brand’s guidelines and aesthethic.
Instagram Posts 1
Instagram Posts 2
Onyx Iconography
For this project, I was asked to create a series of Iconography to use for Onyx Education’s icons on the corresponding application created. I was given a number of categories like Home, Podcast, News, Courses, etc. and needed to create an icon to be used for each category.
Onyx Icongraphy
Onyx Education E-Book Design
For this project, I was assigned to create an e-book layout using text from Onyx Education’s provided text. I needed to layout the book as well as create graphics on each page and create interactive worksheets/reflection pages for readers.
E-Book Design Layout
E-Book Mockup