AbbVie Logo Re-design Prompt

For this project, I was asked by the AbbVie Innovation Center to redesign their current logo as a prompt. They wanted a new logo that was more updated and not as busy as the one they have now, so I created three new logos from research to sketches, to finalized digital logos.

Redesign Process

Step 1: Decide on brand values/missions

Firstly, I took notes on why the original logo was not effective for AbbVie’s standards and then took notes on what they wanted to showcase through their logo like their brand mission and values.


  • too busy?

  • elements of innovation, learning, working, diversity, networking

  • keep the same font, blue color, use of icons

Brand Mission/Beliefs/Values:

  • innovation

  • create solutions

  • inclusion

  • biopharmaceutical company

Step 2: Research about logos

Because AbbVie is a biopharmaceutical company, I had to research what kind of elements could be found in those types of logos. I wanted to implement the idea of both science and innovation in my logo ideas. I took note of the common themes of both kinds of logos.

Biopharmaceutical Logos

Common themes:

  • DNA strands

  • blue, green

  • leaves/growth

Innovation Logos

Common themes:

  • lightbulbs

  • mind/brain

  • gears

  • yellow, blue, green (mainly bright colors)

Step 3: Research about AbbVie’s branding

After researching elements found in similar types of logos, I did some research on AbbVie’s brand and browsed through their social media pages like Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter to take notes of how they brand themselves.


  • Uses sans serif font

  • simple icons

  • uses blue, white color palette (sometimes a pop of color)

  • minimalistic

Step 4: Creating sketches, digitizing them and finalizing

I started sketching my ideas of wanting to include innovation, science, and community by adding elements from each into the 3 final logos. Each logo iteration has a lightbulb to indicate the idea of innovation, an element of science like a DNA strand, and an element of community or human touch through hands or people.


  • needed a sense of community, coming together, diversity, human touch, working with others

  • innovation, learning (lightbulb, mind, etc) puzzle

  • science (biopharma) + DNA strands, atoms

Logo ReDesign Digital Iterations

Final Three Logos

Final Logo Iterations + Logo Mockups

Final Logos

T-Shirt Mockup


Business Card Mockup


MakerSpace Urbana


Onyx Education